I kicked off New York Fashion Week at Long Island Sports Cars. I’ve never attended a Fashion Week event held in Long Island so I was excited to see what going out east has to offer. I decided to attend the event very last minute so I grabbed the grey crochet jacket that I crocheted a few years ago and paired it with a brown suede dress and blue thigh-high boots. I must admit that I was a bit (definitely more than a bit) skeptical as most NYFW events are held in Manhattan and Brooklyn but I still gave it a chance.

From the moment I walked in, I knew it would be a good time. With hors d’oeuvres flowing, champagne popping, and amazing macadamia nut & red velvet cookies presented in such a fabulous way, my skepticism disappeared.

The event was filled with realtors and creatives and they partnered with Louis XIII, Burberry, ST. John, Venus et Fleur (love their flowers!) & more.
I paired the look with Befitting Style Dashing Earrings.

I haven’t had gelato in years so I had to try Dolce & Gelato. It was divine!!

NYFW was off to a great start.