I got abs in 6 days by being resilient and being focused on the goal. Getting abs in 6 days may sound impossible to some but I believe anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
After overindulging in peanuts and other snacks, I noticed that my stomach wasn’t as defined as it normally is. Although peanuts are healthy, too much of anything can become bad for you. I decided to give myself 6 days to get abs and document the entire thing. Check out the video below to see how I got abs in 6 days.
My friends never believe that I’m not always super toned. For some reason, they think I look like the Day 6 pic 24/7 and that’s not the case. Like most humans, my body goes up and down sometimes. I just happen to have the same level of confidence when I have a little gut as well as when I’m super toned.

Although this is just a 2 pack, it’s a start and I will only get better from here.
How’s your fitness journey going?