It feels like summer is coming so fast! For one of the last few days of spring, I threw on a red stripe 2 piece set from CMEO Collective. I’ve had this piece for about 2 years and I’m so glad that I’m finally able to wear it (as if anything was keeping me from wearing it before LOL). I actually wasn’t too familiar with the brand as it was gifted to me by a colleague who felt that it fits my style much better than hers. Once I learned more about the brand, it was hard not to fall in love.

Because its a size small, I wasn’t too sure that it was going to fit me. I typically go for smalls for tops and mediums for bottoms but to my surprise, this fit like a glove! It literally felt like it was tailor-made for me.

Stripes and florals are always a great fit so pairing this look with the Befitting Style Florent Earrings was a no-brainer (can’t wait to share the summer collection).

Although these white Zara sandals hurt so bad since I purchased them in 2014, it’s only right that I throw it on with the look. I definitely need to find more comfortable white heels!

I’m so excited for what this summer will entail and I can’t wait to soak up more sun! Are you excited for summer?