The Power of Consistency – Green Crop Top + Polka Dot Maxi Skirt


I’m so proud of my consistency with daily workouts. Wearing this green crop top with a white and green polka dot skirt revealed to me that my hard work has been paying off. Results don’t happen overnight but eating right and exercising often truly has incredible benefits. Self-care in this manner is very demure and it’s the secret sauce to life’s elevation. I’ve wanted 6 pack abs for about 10 years and still don’t have it. For the past 7 months, I’ve been working out 6 days a week and…

Full Body Workout

I love full body workouts because it’s an easy way for me to target different parts of my body and get toned quicker. Instead of dedicating specific days for my arms, legs, core etc, I make sure that various parts of my body are targeted for each workout. Because I love documenting my exercises, it’s only right that I share a full body workout thats been so great for me. Swipe through the post below to check out the full body workout.           View this post…

How I Got Abs in 6 Days

I got abs in 6 days by being resilient and being focused on the goal. Getting abs in 6 days may sound impossible to some but I believe anything is possible once you put your mind to it. After overindulging in peanuts and other snacks, I noticed that my stomach wasn’t as defined as it normally is. Although peanuts are healthy, too much of anything can become bad for you. I decided to give myself 6 days to get abs and document the entire thing. Check out the video below…

Easy Arm Circuit for Toned Arms

Super excited to share this arm circuit! I’ve never put together a workout for others to try but I guess there’s a first time for everything. Having toned arms have been important to me for years. Being fit has always been important to me. More importantly, being mentally healthy is my first priority. Slide through my instagram post below to give it a try. The instructions are included in the caption.             View this post on Instagram                …