I wore bantu knots while transitioning from relaxed to natural hair 10 years ago. My last relaxer was December 2009. It was my first semester in college and I decided that I no longer wanted to relax my hair. Having natural hair wasn’t popular back then and I actually received a lot of rebuttal for my decision. I remember someone from a church that I used to attend asking me what I plan on doing with my hair if it’s not going to be relaxed! As if there was no other option for me.

I’m stubborn. Lack of support for my new venture only makes me even more interested in doing it. Unaware of how any of this would turn out, I was excited to see how my hair would look. As my natural hair grew in, I turned to bantu knots because its was the easiest way for me to nurture my natural hair and relaxed ends without causing breakage at the line of demarcation.

It felt relaxing getting back to bantu knots! By the way, my mum told me it’s not called bantu knots in Nigeria. Because she doesn’t wear the hairstyle, she can’t remember the name of it. If anyone knows what its called in Nigeria, simply let me know 🙂