I’m so proud of my consistency with daily workouts. Wearing this green crop top with a white and green polka dot skirt revealed to me that my hard work has been paying off. Results don’t happen overnight but eating right and exercising often truly has incredible benefits. Self-care in this manner is very demure and it’s the secret sauce to life’s elevation.

I’ve wanted 6 pack abs for about 10 years and still don’t have it. For the past 7 months, I’ve been working out 6 days a week and 3 of those days include a second workout that’s mostly cardio. I feel stronger, my stamina has increased, while my waistline has decreased.

For a day out, I paired a mint green crop top with a white and emerald green maxi skirt. It’s only right that I pair this look with an emerald green Brandon Blackwood ESR bag.

It’s so easy to want something but will you apply the discipline that’s necessary to achieve it?
Hummmmmm. The disappearing fat depends on the age. There was a time all I need to do is to reduce or eliminate sugar from my diet , I will be fit as a fiddle , but now….hmmm. I am happy for Oyin for the result she’s getting from her workout. Love the skirt and the bag. Thanks Oyin.