The More Texture The Better

I just realized that I’d love to invest (a cool way for me to say buy LOL) in more clothes that feature bold textures. This orange dress is a simple halter top mini dress and I fell in love with it simply because of it’s texture.

I paired this Zara dress with Tory Burch Sandals and the Dashing Earrings from the Befitting Style Holiday Collection. The Holiday Collection is filled with so much texture and really makes me proud of the woman I’m becoming.

It was actually hard to decide which earring pairs well with this look. I initially wore the Snatched Earrings from the O Ti De Collection then ended up going with the Dashing Earring.

I really still can’t believe I’m doing this. Having an accessories line for Befitting Style feels amazing. I’m walking in my purpose and it feels incredible.

Do you opt for bold textures over simple fabrics?

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